Support Tools
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We provide tools that can assist you with troubleshooting and solving specific product issues.
Note: Use these tools only if all other measures to solve the issue fail. Read the full instructions and proceed carefully.
Support Tool (WSDIAG)
A tool that gathers information about your system and its configuration, which can be used for troubleshooting.
WithSecure Connectivity Tool
A tool that checks whether a host is able to connect to the WithSecure backend systems. Check the connection prior to product installation or use on an already installed product to rule out any issue related to connectivity.
FSAUA-reset Tool
A tool that resets the WithSecure Automatic Update Agent (FSAUA). It can be used when the virus definitions are too old or if the automatic updates malfunction.
Works on Client Security, Server Security, Email and Server Security, and Elements EPP for Computers.
Uninstallation Tool
A tool that removes WithSecure products from your Windows machine if the normal uninstallation method fails.
Works on Business Suite, Email and Server Security, Elements EPP for Computers, and Elements Endpoint Detection and Response products.