WithSecure™ Client Security

Proteção e segurança comercial comprovada para computadores

Proteja seu negócio com o melhor em proteção de endpoint.

O Client Security é muito mais que anti-malware - oferece elementos de proteção de próxima geração, tais como inteligência de ameaças, análise comportamental e proteção pró-ativa contra todas as ameaças mais recentes.

Client Security é um produto de segurança empresarial que lhe oferece a melhor segurança para seus os endpoints de seu negócio - continuamente, ano após ano.

Por que WithSecure™ Client Security?



Obtenha segurança premiada e multicamadas para desktops e laptops

Mecanismo de proteção

Fique seguro contra vulnerabilidades de dia zero com o DeepGuard, nosso mecanismo proativo de proteção no local de trabalho.

Correções automáticas

Obtenha patches/correções automáticos e gerenciados centralmente para seu software para protegê-lo contra vulnerabilidades conhecidas


Desfrute de proteção completa com impacto mínimo no desempenho do sistema

Segurança Automaticamente Aumentada

Desfrute de segurança aumentada automaticamente para transações bancárias on-line e outras transações críticas para os negócios

Tecnologias de proteção

Beneficie-se de tecnologias de proteção alimentadas pela inteligência de ameaças da próxima geração, técnicas avançadas de aprendizagem de máquinas e especialistas altamente qualificados em segurança cibernética.


WithSecure Security Cloud

Global protection against emerging threats within 60 seconds of initial detection

Advanced anti-malware

Anti-malware with real-time reputation checks for the latest threats

Banking protection

Provides added security for online banking

Browsing protection

Allows users to safely work and browse online without limiting them


Utilizes Mac's own firewall to control incoming connections

Stock image of a young woman, wearing glasses, surrounded by computer monitors in a dark office. In front of her there is a see-through displaying showing a map of the world with some data.

"Ao alcançar quase 100% de proteção em todos os testes de certificação AV-Test realizados em 2016, O Client Security provou ser um líder na proteção de empresas".

Maik Morgenstern, CTO, AV-TEST GmbH

Seus benefícios

Não comprometa a segurança dos seus negócios.

O Client Security proporciona a melhor proteção contínua disponível para desktops e laptops Windows. Ela é capaz de fornecer proteção impenetrável contra todas as ameaças on-line, minimizando o impacto no desempenho do sistema.

A proteção de endpoint está no centro da segurança cibernética, e esta é a melhor das melhores. A proteção completa dos endpoints é apenas o começo. A segurança do cliente também economiza tempo com o gerenciamento automático de patches/correções e aumenta a produtividade dos funcionários com controles de navegação na web.


Sem paralisação de negócios

Nenhum tempo de inatividade comercial com a melhor segurança, inabalável e consistente para desktops e laptops


Controle de aplicação

Evite aplicações inseguras que coloquem seu negócio em risco com o Controle de Aplicação


Controle de conteúdo web

Trabalhar de forma segura e produtiva com o Controle de Conteúdo Web


Controle de conexão

Segurança superior para seus negócios através do Controle de Conexão automatizado


Software Updater

Menos oportunidades para atacantes com segurança automatizada e atualizada com o Software Updater

Características do produto


Deepguard 6

Proteção baseada no comportamento para manter sua empresa segura contra ameaças novas e emergentes

Multi-mecanismos Anti-malware

Obtenha proteção inigualável contra vírus, cavalos de Tróia, rootkits e outros malwares

WithSecure Security Cloud

Obter proteção imediata contra ameaças emergentes descobertas em todo o mundo

Proteção de navegação

Assegurar um trabalho on-line seguro e eficiente

Firewall avançado

Proteção contra atividades maliciosas de rede

Controle de dispositivos

Prevenir infecções por malware via USB

Proteção avançada

Obter proteção avançada contra tipos de arquivos selecionados de locais desconhecidos

Bloqueador Botnet

Parar o controle externo de ativos comprometidos


Connection control

Prevent confidential information from being compromised

Web content control

Avoid legal risks and exposure to malicious content

Patch management

Automatic patch management for Windows operating system and third-party software


Provides additional protection against ransomware, and prevents the destruction and tampering of data

Application control

Blocks execution of applications and scripts according to rules created by our penetration testers, or as defined by the administrator

Procurando por suporte de produtos?

Encontre os últimos artigos, instruções e outros materiais de apoio importantes.

Características do produto

Proteção contra malwares e spywares

Proteção superior contra malware

Nosso componente de segurança informática utiliza nossa plataforma de segurança multi-mecanismo para detectar e prevenir malware. Ele oferece proteção superior às tecnologias tradicionais baseadas em assinatura:

  • Detecta uma gama mais ampla de características, padrões e tendências maliciosas, permitindo detecções mais confiáveis e precisas, mesmo para variantes de malware nunca antes vistas
  • Ao utilizar as imagens em tempo real do WithSecure Security Cloud, ele pode reagir mais rapidamente a ameaças novas e emergentes, além de garantir uma pequena pegada
  • A emulação permite a detecção de malware que utiliza técnicas de ofuscação, e oferece outra camada de segurança antes que um arquivo seja executado
DeepGuard 6

Heuristic & behavior analysis

DeepGuard combines some of our most advanced security technologies. It's the final and most critical layer of defense against new threats—even those that target previously unknown vulnerabilities.

DeepGuard observes application behavior and proactively intercepts any potentially harmful action on-the-fly before it causes damage. By switching the focus from signature characteristics to malicious behavior patterns, DeepGuard can identify and block malware even before a sample has been acquired and examined.

When an unknown or suspicious program is first launched, DeepGuard temporarily delays its execution in order to perform a file reputation and prevalence rate check, runs it in a sandbox environment, then finally executes it for behavioral analysis and exploit interception.

For more information about Deep Guard functions and benefits, consult our technical whitepaper.

Compare the versions

Choose the right version for your needs

FeatureCommad line enditionFull edition
Web-based GUI X
Central control X
Real-time scanning X
Manual ScanningXX
Scheduled ScanningXX
Operated from the command lineX 
Firewall Gerenciado

Better security and compatibility

The new WithSecure firewall uses the default Windows rule engine to execute firewall rules. This greatly increases compatibility with other applications and appliances. The WithSecure expert ruleset, which contains advanced rules that counter risks such as propagating ransomware and lateral movement, is added on top of the standard Windows ruleset.

The administrator can extend the WithSecure rulesets with rules to tackle company and context-specific threats. Additionally, auto-selection rules allow administrators to define profiles adapted to the security needs of various networks.

Escaneamento do tráfego web

Block malicious web content

Web Traffic Protection prevents the exploitation of active content such as Java and Flash, which are used in the vast majority of online attacks. These components are automatically blocked on unknown and suspicious sites based on their reputation data. Administrators can make exceptions to this by adding sites to a trusted sites list, for example company intranet sites for which WithSecure does not have any reputation data.

Web Traffic Protection scans HTTP web traffic in real-time with multiple complementary anti-malware scanning engines and reputation checks. This ensures that malware and exploits are found and blocked at the traffic stage, before data is written to the hard disk. This provides additional protection against more advanced malware—for example the memory-only variety.

Proteção de Navegação

Safe and efficient online work

Browsing Protection ensures that employees can work safely and efficiently online without worries.

  • Proactively prevents employees from accessing harmful sites, links, and content
  • Eliminates human error and proactively minimizes exposure
  • Works with all major browsers
Bloqueador Botnet

Repel botnets effectively

Botnet Blocker stops criminals aiming to control compromised assets by preventing communication to Command & Control domains.

  • Administrators can prevent network activity relating to known botnets
  • Blocks Domain Name Server (DNS) queries on the host level
  • Can effectively stop most attacks, including ransomware and advanced persistent threats
  • Administrators can filter out queries based on domain reputation with the option of whitelisting them
Controle de conexão

Elevated security for vital websites (Premium)

Connection Control is a security layer that greatly increases protection for business-critical web activity like the use of intranets or sensitive cloud services like CRMs.

As soon as an employee accesses a website that requires additional security, Connection Control automatically elevates the security level for that session. During this period, Connection Control closes network connections to all unknown sites from the endpoint. Users can continue to use sites that are verified safe by WithSecure so as not to reduce employee productivity.

By blocking untrusted connections, banking trojans and other malware cannot send criminals confidential business information such as user credentials and cloud-based information. Security returns to normal when the specified browser process finishes or the user ends the session.

Gerenciamento de Patch

Automatic patch management (Premium)

Over 80% of cyber-attacks occur as a result of outdated software. Software Updater automatically keeps your third-party software and Windows up to date and patched against known vulnerabilities. Since it's integrated, you can easily avoid attacks based on known vulnerabilities.

  • Software Updater fully integrated in the solution, no infrastructure needed
  • Automatically patches OS and third-party, non-Microsoft applications
  • Automatically downloads and installs security patches, with a manual setting if needed

Learn more 


WithSecure DataGuard (Premium)

WithSecure DataGuard subjects selected high-risk and value-critical folders to advanced monitoring and additional detection logic. It makes them significantly more fortified against ransomware, and prevents malicious and unknown applications from destroying or tampering with the data that they contain. The high-risk and value-critical folders include, for example, the Downloads folder (web downloads), document folders, temp files (email attachments), and data repositories.

The feature's complementary detection logic significantly increases detection accuracy and aggressiveness against ransomware and their encryption processes. The Data Access module ensures that the data in these folders is not destroyed, tampered with, or encrypted by malicious or unknown applications, such as ransomware. Among other benefits, the Data Access module enables the recovery of data in the event of a successful ransomware attack, as it cannot encrypt the data located in those folders.

Controle de aplicação

Prevent applications from executing (Premium)

Application Control prevents threats from executing and running scripts, even if they bypass other security layers to get onto your device. This mitigates the risks posed by malicious, illegal, and unauthorized software in the corporate environment.

With Application Control you can:

  • Identify and control which applications are allowed to run in your environment
  • Identify trusted, authorized software automatically
  • Prevent all other applications, whether malicious, untrusted, or simply unwanted from running 
  • Eliminate unknown and unwanted applications in your environment to reduce complexity and risk
  • Monitor all applications running within the endpoint environment

Finally, you can use it to block applications from running scripts, for example:

  • Prevent all Microsoft Office applications from running PowerShell scripts
  • Prevent all Microsoft Office applications from running Batch scripts

Application control works based on rules created by our penetration testers that cover attack vectors used to breach into corporate environments. Alternatively, the administrator can define the rules based on various criteria, such as the application name or version.

Compare as versões

Choose the right version for your needs

Proteção contra malwares e spywaresXX
DeepGuard 6XX
Firewall GerenciadoXX
Escaneamento do tráfego webXX
Proteção de NavegaçãoXX
Bloqueador BotnetXX
Controle de conteúdo web X
Controle de conexão X
Gerenciamento de Patch X
DataGuard X
Controle de aplicação X

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O WithSecure™ Elements Collaboration Protection é escolhido por empresas que desejam:

  • Proteção abrangente do Microsoft 365
  • Escolha rentável
  • Fácil implantação em apenas alguns minutos
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