Strengthening Cybersecurity Defenses

Understanding Exposure Management


In today's digitally interconnected world, exposure management is crucial for any organization’s cybersecurity strategy.

It proactively identifies, prioritizes, and mitigates vulnerabilities and threats across an organization's IT infrastructure and assets and enables successful business outcomes.

Artturi Lehtio, WithSecure’s VP of Product, highlights the market demand for Exposure Management and shares the benefits for WithSecure's partners.

Christine Bejerasco, WithSecure’s CISO, shares the secret to why Exposure Management allows security and IT teams to work together effectively, and how one organization can elevate the security of the global supply chain.

Benefits of Exposure Management


Exposure management boosts security by systematically identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities across IT systems, reducing cyber risk. Proactive gap addressing minimizes successful cyberattacks and data breaches, protecting sensitive data and reputation.


It prioritizes threats based on severity and potential impact, efficiently allocating resources. Customized security controls ensure regulatory compliance and resilience. Transparent risk communication empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions, strengthening security posture and resilience against cyber threats.


Typical Exposure Management Framework

• Asset Discovery: Identifying all network assets, including hardware, software, and data.

• Vulnerability Assessment: Regular scans detect weaknesses, aiding prioritization of remediation.

• Threat Intelligence: Gathers data on emerging threats relevant to the organization.

• Risk Analysis: Evaluates the impact and likelihood of exploitation.

• Prioritization: Ranks vulnerabilities based on severity and exploitability.

• Remediation: Implements strategies to reduce vulnerability exposure.

• Verification: Validates effectiveness of remediation efforts through testing.

Exposure Management Tools and Solutions

• Vulnerability Scanners: Automated tools detect known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

• Web Application Security Scanners: Specialized tools uncover web application vulnerabilities through simulated attacks.

• Cloud Security Scanners: Tailored for assessing security risks in cloud environments.

• Identity Security Solutions: Manage and secure user identities and access controls.

• Attack Path Analysis Tools: Simulate potential attack paths to identify critical vulnerabilities.



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