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Enjoy W/Gin the traditional Gin & Tonic way


40ml W/Gin

120ml premium Indian tonic water

1 orange peel

Mint leaves

1-3 cubes of ice

Measure out the gin and tonic and add to a glass with 3-4 ice cubes before more mixing. Cut approx. 1.5" long & 0.5" wide orange peel and twist oils out carefully. Choose 1 twig or two leaves of strong mint and slap out oils. Decorate the drink with the orange peel and mint.


40ml W/Gin

120ml premium elderflower tonic water

Slice of lime

1-3 cubes of ice

Measure out the gin and tonic and add to a glass with 3-4 ice cubes before more mixing. Cut a thick round slice of lime and add to the drink.

Or try it as warm or spiced up cocktail

Spiced Gin W/armer

100ml W/Gin

400ml cloudy apple juice

1/2 lemon

1 bay leaf

1 stick of cinnamon

1/2 coriander seed

1 tsp runny honey

Place the bay leaf, cinnamon, lemon and coriander in a mulling bag Put the apple juice in a saucepan and add the spices. Gently warm for 5 minutes. Stir in the honey, and allow to cool. Remove mulling bag, stir in the gin, and pour into two glasses.


50ml W/Gin

6 mint leaves

10ml sugar syrup

20ml lime juice

Sprig of mint and lime to garnish

Top up with soda

In the bottom of a tall glass or tumbler, muddle the six mint leaves and add W/Gin. Stir in the sugar syrup gently and fill the glass with crushed ice (or normal cubes, if you prefer). Top up with soda water and garnish with a slice of lime and a sprig of mint. If you want to be more adventurous, replace mint with basil.

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Want your own bottle?

Check W/Gin availability from Authors’ Distillery webshop.