Why WithSecure?
WithSecure has driven innovations in cyber security, defending tens of thousands of companies and millions of people for three decades. Our sophisticated technology combines the power of machine learning with the human expertise of our world-renowned security labs. WithSecure's security experts have participated in more European cyber crime scene investigations than any other company in the market, and our products are sold all over the world by thousands of IT resellers.
- Growing revenue & strong balance sheet
- Proven sales channels
- Best-in-class technology & knowhow
- Corporate security market in fast growth

Release subscription
For other company news, please see WithSecure Pressroom.
Please note that webcast recordings of releases of financial information are available on the Materials page.
WithSecure CEO Juhani Hintikka’s interview
Recorded after the Q3 2023 results announcement (in Finnish only)
WithSecure as an investment
Pörssisijoittajan viikko event 11 September 2023 (in Finnish only)
WithSecure CEO Juhani Hintikka’s interview
Recorded after the Q3 2022 results announcement (in Finnish only)
WithSecure as an investment
Pörssisijoittajan viikko event 15 September 2022 (in Finnish only)
WithSecure CEO Juhani Hintikka’s interview
Recorded after the Q2 2022 results announcement (in Finnish only)
Contact us
If you would like to receive stock exchange releases please fill in the release subscription form.
For any other investor information requests, investor meeting requests and road show inquiries, please contact us at We are pleased to help you in all IR related matters.

Laura Viita
Investor Relations Director, WithSecure Corporation
+358 50 4871044