Cloud Security Posture Management

Cloud service configuration assurance with unmetered access to cloud configuration expertise that helps you prioritize findings and take actionable steps to fix insecure configurations of AWS and Azure services.


Most enterprises operate hybrid, multi-cloud networks which are complicated to defend.

Misconfiguration is the leading cause of data breaches and according to our own research, it is the most common source of major cloud security incidents.

Gartner predicts that “Through 2025, 90% of the organizations that fail to control public cloud use will inappropriately share sensitive data.”

Cloud vendors have developed tools to spot misconfigurations, but to be effective, they must be configured and managed by someone skilled and capable of interpreting their outputs. These skills are scarce. How can organizations ensure that they have effective controls to secure the cloud?

WithSecure Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) Service performs the configuration checks necessary to assure security, and communicates the results and recommendations to you in an actionable form. 

Security engineering partnership

Help you assess the impact of misconfigurations and to implement secure configurations

Deterrence value

In the form of on-going security improvements that make your organisation less attractive to attackers

Assurance to auditors and regulators

Adequate cloud security risk and governance controls

Our approach

Services & solutions

CSPM solutions on the market come in a bewildering range of flavours. The majority are easy-to-implement SaaS solutions, but they require somebody with a PhD to understand their outputs and make sensible security decisions. At WithSecure, we believe that organisations can best manage their security posture by using a service that combines high-quality people with our own purpose-built technology. Three pillars define our CSPM service:

  1. Security through partnership: we appoint a Security Engineer who understands your environment to assist your understanding of misconfigurations and their impact and to help you assess your cloud security risk. This goes far beyond what a product can offer. 
  2. Unmetered access to cloud configuration expertise: WithSecure Security Engineers will help you prioritize findings and provide actionable steps to fix insecure configurations and address your cloud configuration management queries. 
  3. Compliance assurance through out-of-the-box cloud security checks: we employ an algorithm developed by WithSecurity Consultants that specialize in securing cloud environments to check for misconfigurations. The checks go beyond industry standards and benchmarks as they have been shaped by experience on the front line. Our service is continuously improved to account for changing standards, new attack methods and evolution of the underlying cloud platform.

The evidence provided by the tool can be used to demonstrate how your organization aligns to cyber security frameworks and standards.

Key features of our service

  • Monthly scan of AWS and Azure cloud environments and a report
  • Monthly re-scan upon request
  • Monthly meeting with dedicated Security Engineer and access for queries during working hours
  • Continuous improvement to existing checks and addition of new ones
  • Optional consulting support for analysis sand remediation.

Speak to the team

Want to significantly reduce the risk posed by your external perimeter? We can help.

Related resources

How WithSecure can help

Cloud services are easy to misconfigure, exposing enterprises to attack. Misconfiguration is the most common cause of the largest breaches of cloud services to date, which is why we now have cloud security best practices and standards.

Cyber security based on compliance to rules or standards may make it easier to get through audits, but they do not make you secure. The CSPM checks we perform are based on the CIS Foundational Framework and the AWS Security Best Practices checks, favored by auditors. They are supplemented by over 30 checks that WithSecure believes are necessary, based on our front line experience of combatting cyber attacks. 

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Our accreditations and certificates

WithSecure™ (F-Secure Cyber Security (Pty) Ltd) is a level 4 contributor to B-BBEE with a procurement recognition level of 100%. Learn more and download our B-BBEE certificate. Click here to read the press release.