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ウィズセキュアのCISO、Christine Bejerascoがエクスポージャー管理のマスタークラスを開催します。ゲストにChameleon Cyber Consultantsの共同創業者兼セキュリティ責任者のMo Ahddoud氏、ウィズセキュアのアタックサーフェス管理の責任者のKatie Innsを迎えます。



Mo Ahddoud

Mo Ahddoud

Co-Founder & Head of Security Practice at Chameleon

Mo Ahddoud氏は、FTSE100企業やその他の有名な組織にインパクトのあるプログラムを提供してきた実績のある経験豊富なサイバーセキュリティリーダーです。M&Aにおけるサイバーセキュリティ・プログラムを成功に導き、英国最大のガス配給会社では、重要な国家インフラをクラウドベースのサイバーセキュリティ・ソリューションに移行する上で極めて重要な役割を果たしました。

Mo has earned recognition for his cyber security expertise, receiving the prestigious British Computer Society Cyber Security Program of the Year award. Additionally, he actively contributes to the IoT Security Foundation, where he leads a working group for security professionals, fostering knowledge sharing and expanding cyber security expertise within the IoT domain.

 Mo is the co-founder and head of security practice for Chameleon Cyber Consultants, which specialises in tailored security strategies for SMEs.

Katie Inns

Katie Inns

Head of Attack Surface Management WithSecure™    


Christine Bejerasco

Christine Bejerasco

CISO WithSecure™   

Christine BejerascoはウィズセキュアのCISOです。以前はCTOと戦術的防御ユニット担当VPの肩書を持ち、最新の脅威に対してWithSecureのセキュリティ製品を強化するルールと検出を作成する防御サービスチームを率いていました。

Christine is highly respected in the cyber security industry and regularly speaks at peer-to-peer and business events. With the last couple of years being unprecedented for security breaches, Christine has shared her in-depth knowledge in areas that highlight some of the threats encountered in cyber attacks during this period - especially those affecting mobile devices, software supply chains, and data leaks. She also supports WithSecure and other companies in their transition to outcome-based security.

Throughout her career, Christine has held roles that have researched and analyzed threats and privacy issues throughout the security landscape and across key industry sectors, including pharma, automotive, manufacturing, finance and logistics. Christine’s technical background was launched with a BS in Computer Science.