Complimentary 60-Minute Incident Readiness and Response Clinic

Book a 1:1 session with a our frontline experts


Ask us anything on incident readiness and response.

Our incident response experts tackle every digital threat the society faces, on the frontlines. We have set 40 hours of their time, absolutely free, to offer the opportunity to have personalized discussion on incident readiness and response. 

  • Book a 60-minute session and provide us with a brief overview of the questions you wish to explore.
  • We will then match you with an IR expert from our extensive global network.
  • You can look forward to an engaging online session where you'll have the chance to discuss and delve into your challenges with our expert. 
two colleagues at a computer with green tint

WithSecure is recognised by UK´s National Cyber Security Center for our ability to deal with complex incidents and attacks. 

Book your complimentary 60-Minute Incident Response Clinic

  1. Fill in the form
    Fill in the form and provide us with a brief overview of the questions you wish to explore.
  2. We´ll be in touch
    We will reach out to you in few days to agree a time and date for your session and to choose the best possible IR expert to answer your questions. All sessions are online.
  3. Enjoy your personal Incident Response Clinic
    Join the 60-minute Incident Response Clinic solo or with your colleagues to get the most out of it. Be prepared with questions related to the topic to make full use of the time.

Make use of our experts like Robert, Diego and Nick.

Robert Anderson

Robert Anderson

Senior Incident Response Consultant at WithSecure, primarily working with clients during times of compromise to get them back to a safe state. Robert delivers First Incident Response training, Crisis Management exercises and Incident Response tabletops. He is full member of the Chartered Institute of Information Security. 

He holds multiple certifications such as ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional, ISC2 Certified in CyberSecurity and GAIC Industrial Response and Defense (Advisory Board Member).

Diego Fuschini

Diego Fuschini

​Currently working as Senior Incident Response Investigator at WithSecure, Diego Fuschini has been in the information security industry since 2005. Previously working as Incident Responder in the finance, telecommunications and consulting.

He is known speaker at Brazilian Army and Brazilian Intelligence Agency and has presented research on H2HC, BSides Sao Paulo and SANS DFIR EMEA. Diego has also co-authored the book "Tratado de Computacao Forense" (Treatise on Forensic Computing).

Aleksi Kallio

Nick Jones

Principal consultant at WithSecure, where he leads the cloud security consulting team. He focuses on AWS security and attack detection in large, complex cloud estates, and working with cloud-native organizations to enable engineering teams to move fast safely and securely.

Nick has presented on these topics at RSA Conference, fwd:cloudsec, T2, Def Con Cloud Village and others, and is an AWS Community Builder.