Combatting Cyber Threats in South Africa: Endpoint Security and Real-world Cases

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023
11.00AM (South African time)

Join us for an insightful webinar on combatting cyber threats in South Africa, focusing on our advanced cybersecurity products: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Endpoint Protection (EPP).

In collaboration with our long-time partner Cybervision, we will showcase real-world cases, provide valuable insights into endpoint security strategies, and unveil powerful solutions to protect your organization against advanced cyberattacks. 


  • Introduction 
    Dean Porter, Regional VP, WithSecure 

  • Real-world cases in South Africa 
    Anthony Cowie, Director, Cybervision 
    Explore intriguing local cyberattack cases and understand the evolving threat landscape in South Africa. 

  • Data Exfiltration and Ransomware 
    Neeraj Singh, Senior Researcher, WithSecure
    Learn about the strategies to detect, prevent, and mitigate data exfiltration and ransomware threats. 

  • Endpoint Detection and Response  
    Franciscos Macias, Senior Sales Engineer, WithSecure 
    Uncover the capabilities of WithSecure's cutting-edge EDR solution, designed to proactively detect advanced threats and enable swift incident response. 

  • Q&A Session 
    Engage in an interactive Q&A session with our experts, who will address your specific questions about current cyber trends and WithSecure solutions. 

Don’t miss out on this one-hour webinar packed with must-know insights and practical recommendations. Secure your spot by registering below. Please note: upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing webinar access details.