NYDFS 500: Simplifying the Second Amendment

Understanding the changes. Ensuring compliance.


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Thursday June 13, 2024 | 12:00 EDT
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Join our experts as they summarize the changes in the Second Amendment of the NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulation

The New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) cyber security regulation enacted in 2017 has resulted in numerous enforcement actions and monetary penalties averaging several million dollars. Amendments to the regulation have presented financial institutions operating in New York with even greater challenges in maintaining their compliance. 

The Second Amendment to the Regulation added even more stringent requirements, intended to address common cyber weaknesses that they have identified since 2017.

During this webinar, WithSecure will review and summarize the key changes to the Second Amendment, offering recommendations and advice on how organizations can ensure they remain compliant.

Our Speakers

Miguel Gutierrez
Miguel Gutierrez

Host & Security Consultant, WithSecure Consulting

Miguel is a Security and Risk Management consultant with over five years of experience. He has supported financial institutions in developing security systems architectures, performing design reviews, and assessing regulatory compliance.

Richard Suls
Richard Suls

Senior Security & Risk Management Consultant, WithSecure Consulting

Richard is a security researcher with over thirty years of experience. He is a qualified expert witness and prolific public speaker.

As lead of WithSecure’s Security and Risk Management group in the US, Richard delivers tabletops, design reviews, risk assessments and assists clients in charting courses to strengthen their security posture. 

John Jarrold
John Jarrold

Senior Security & Risk Management Consultant, WithSecure Consulting

John is an Information Security professional and leader with over 10 years’ experience helping highly regulated financial services organizations achieve strong defensive postures.

Skilled at developing and improving cyber security strategies, programs and roadmaps, John has a broad range of experience from strategic information security program development down to hands on knowledge of attack tactics and techniques.

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